Loyola Support Documentation

How do I view statistics about a completed assessment?

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Statistics for student submissions to an assessment, such as average scores and standard deviation, can be viewed in the Tests & Quizzes tool. If the assessment has automatically graded questions, statistics at the Question level can be viewed on the Item Analysis page, which provides an overview of the percentages of questions answered correctly, and how many times an answer option was selected.

Select Tests & Quizzes.

select t&q

In the target Sakai site, select Tests & Quizzes from the Tool Menu.

Select the Published - All View. (Optional)

choose published - all

Select the Published-All option in the View drop-down to view the assessments that have been released to students.

Go to the assessment submissions.

select the number of submissions

Select the number of student submissions in the Submitted column. Alternatively, choose Scores from the Actions dropdown menu.

Select Statistics.

select statistics

Select Statistics from the Actions Menu.

View Statistics page.

statistics display

Statistics displays information including the number of students who submitted the test, average scores, standard deviation, how many students selected particular responses to each question, and the percentage of students who answered an automatically graded question correctly.

Note: If multiple submissions were allowed for an assessment, an instructor may have multiple view options on the Statistics page: either the Highest or Last Submission, or All Submissions. Available view options depend on assessment settings. For example, if the highest score for a multiple-submission assessment is set, the Highest Submission view is available by default.

Select Item Analysis.

select item analysis

Select Item Analysis from the Actions Menu to view question-level statistics.

View Item Analysis page.

item analysis displays

If the assessment has automatically graded questions, the Item Analysis page provides a table overview of the percentages of students who answered each automatically graded question correctly, how many students selected a particular answer option for each question, and how many of the students who submitted the test provided No Answer to that question.

Note: If multiple submissions were allowed for an assessment, an instructor may have multiple view options on the Statistics page: either the Highest or Last Submission, or All Submissions. Available view options depend on assessment settings. For example, if the highest score for a multiple-submission assessment is set, the Highest Submission view is available by default.