Loyola Support Documentation

How do I give the same score (e.g., 0) to students with no submission for an assessment?

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By default, students with No Submission to an assessment will have a blank, or null, score. The assessment will not count towards their final grade until a score has been entered for them. The same score can be assigned, such as 0, to all students who did not submit an assessment.

Warning: Once a score has been saved for a student in Tests & Quizzes, the score cannot be removed from that student's course grade. The score would have to be excused from the total course grade in Gradebook.

Select Tests & Quizzes.

select T&q

In the target Sakai site, select Tests & Quizzes from the Tool Menu.

Select the Published - All view. (Optional)

choose the published - all view

Select the Published - All view in the View dropdown menu to view only the assessments that have been released to students.

Go to the assessment submissions.

select the number of submissions

Select the number of student submissions from the Submitted column. Alternatively, choose Scores from the Actions dropdown menu.

Enter a score to apply to students with No Submission.

enter a score

Enter a point value (e.g., 0) in the box following Apply This Score.

Select Apply This Score.

select apply this score

Selecting Apply this score saves the change to the score of ALL students with No Submission.

View scores and adjustments.

make any adjustments

Students with No Submission will have the applied score entered in the grade Adjustment box, and these scores will display as their Final Score.

If adjustments to individual scores need to be made, enter a value in the corresponding Adjustment cell and select the Update button to apply the adjustment.

Warning: Once a score has been saved for a student in Tests & Quizzes, the score cannot be removed from that student's course grade. The score would have to be excused from the total course grade in Gradebook.