Loyola Support Documentation

How do I add, copy, move, or delete a question pool?

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Creation of a question pool consists of assigning a name and composing the questions, analogous to composing the questions of an exam. Question pools can serve as test banks for assessment questions, including random draw questions. For an overview, see What is a Question Pool?

Note: Because a question pool cannot be given to students as is, no exam settings are available.

Go to Tests & Quizzes.

Tests & Quizzes Button

Select the Tests & Quizzes tool from the site Tool Menu site.

Select Question Pools.

Tests & Quizzes Menu

Add a question pool.

You can add a new Question Pool as an empty container for future questions.

Choose Add New Pool.

Add New Pool

Any question pools already available to you will show. Choose to either add a new one, or import a pool from another site. (See How do I import questions into an assessment or a Question Pool?)

Enter the pool details and Save.

Add Pool Information

Enter the data you desire and Save the Question Pool.

The question pool is ready for adding questions.

Question Pool.

To open the pool for authoring and editing of questions, click on its name. (For more information on adding questions to a pool, see How do I add a question to a question pool?)

Copy a question pool.

Copy Link

Copying a pool will duplicate the pool and all of its questions and subpools in a new location. The original pool, subpools, and questions will remain in the original location.

Select the Copy link for the pool you would like to copy. To reveal existing subpools for a question pool (or a subpool), click the triangle next to its title to expand the pool.

Specify the destination.

Check box for destinatioon

On the Copy Pool screen, select the destination for the copied pool. To reveal existing subpools for a question pool (or a subpool), select the triangle next to its title to expand the pool.

Tip: Choose Question Pools TOP to elevate a subpool to question pool status.

Choose Copy.

Copy Button

Move a question pool.

Move Link

Moving a pool will relocate the pool and all of its questions and subpools to a new location.

Click the Move link for the pool you would like to move. To reveal existing subpools for a question pool (or a subpool), click the triangle next to its title to expand the pool.

Specify the destination.

Check box for destination

On the Move Pool screen, select the new destination for the pool. To reveal existing subpools for a question pool (or a subpool), click the triangle next to its title to expand the pool.

Tip: Choose Question Pools TOP to elevate a subpool to question pool status.

Select Move.

Move Button

Delete a question pool.

Delete Box

Deleting a question pool will remove the pool and all of its questions and subpools.

To delete a pool, select the checkbox for the pool you would like to remove.

Choose the Delete button.

Delete Button

Select Remove to confirm deletion.

Remove Button