Loyola Support Documentation

How do I view summary reports in the Statistics tool?

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Note: The Statistic tool only includes information from when the tool was initially added to the site. The report will not display information for activity that was completed less than 24 hours ago.

Select Statistics.

Select Statistics from the site's Tool Menu.

View Overview statistics.

Summary reports are displayed on the Statistics tool landing page for Visits, Activity, Resources, and Lesson Pages.

The following information is displayed for Visits from the Overview page:

  • Visits: This represents the total number of site visits.
  • Users who have visited site: This represents the total number of distinct users that visited the site.
  • Site members: This represents the total number of users that are member of the current site.
  • Members who have visited site: This represents the total number and percentage of users that are site members and have visited the site. This number may be different from Unique Visits if there are visits from users that are no longer members of the site.
  • Members who have not visited site: This represents the total number and percentage of users that are site members and have not visited the site.
  • Average presence time per visit: This represents the average time a user stays present on the site, per visit.

The following information is displayed for Activity from the Overview page:

  • Events: This represents the total number of site activity events (from the list specified on the tool Preferences page).
  • Most active tool: This displays the tool that generated most events (from the list specified on the tool Preferences page). Hovering the mouse over the value will display the full tool title.
  • Most active user: This displays the user that generated most events (from the list specified on the tool Preferences page). Hovering the cursor over the user ID will display the full user name.

The following information is displayed for Resources from the Overview page:

  • Files: This represents the total number of existing site files (folders excluded) from the Resources tool.
  • Files opened: This represents the total number and percentage of site files (folders excluded) from the Resources tool that were already opened for reading.
  • Most opened file: This represents the site file (from the Resources tool) that were most opened for reading. Hovering the mouse over the value will display the full resource file name.
  • User who has opened the most files: This displays the user that opened most site files (from the Resources tool) for reading. Hovering the mouse over the user EID will display the full user name.

The following information is displayed for Lesson Pages from the Overview page:

  • Pages: This represents the total number of existing Lesson Pages.
  • Pages read: This represents the total number and percentage of Lesson pages that were opened.
  • Most read page: This represents the Lesson Page that was most opened. Hovering the mouse over the value will display the full page name.
  • User who has opened the most pages: This displays the user that opened most Lesson pages. Hovering the mouse over the user ID will display the full user name.

Note: A more detailed report can be obtained by selecting any of the items above (e.g., selecting Members who have not visited site will display a report of all site users that have never visited the site).

View Visits details.

Selecting the Show more/less link will expand or collapse the Visits report. The act of entering a site is considered a site visit.

Selecting the Show more link will present a chart and table view for a quick view of visits statistics.

  • Selecting By date or By user will group statistics by date or user, respectively.
  • Selecting Since site creation, Last 365 days, Last 30 days or Last 7 days will filter statistics accordingly.
  • Seleting the chart image will produce a maximized version of the image.
  • Selecting View complete report will display the full data for the current displayed statistics.

Note: Within one login date, if a user enters/exits the same site multiple times, only one visit will be recorded.

View Activity details.

Selecting the Show more/less link will expand or collapse the Activity report. Events generated by tool actions (e.g., new chat message, resource opened, etc.) are considered activities.

Selecting the Show more link will present a chart and table view for a quick view of activity statistics.

  • Selecting By date, By user, or By tool will group statistics by date, user, or tool, respectively.
  • Selecting Since site creation, Last 365 days, Last 30 days, or Last 7 days will filter statistics accordingly.
  • Selecting the chart image will produce a maximized version of the image.
  • Selecting View complete report will display the full data for the current displayed statistics.

View Resources details.

Selecting Show more/less will expand or collapse the Resources report. Any file/folder item related activity (new, open, edit, or delete) will display in this report.

Selecting Show more will present a chart and table view for a quick view of resource activity statistics.

  • Selecting By date, By user, or By resource will group statistics by date, user, or file, respectively.
  • Selecting Since site creation, Last 365 days, Last 30 days, or Last 7 days will filter statistics accordingly.
  • Selecting the chart image will produce a maximized version of the image.
  • Selecting View complete report will display the full data for the current displayed statistics.

Note: On the Overview page, resource statistics refer to files from the Resources tool only.

View Lesson Pages details.

Selecting the Show more/less link will expand or collapse the Lesson Pages Overview report. Any Lesson-related activity will display in this report.

Selecting Show more will present a chart and table view for a quick view of Lessons activity statistics.

  • Selecting By date, By user, or By page will group statistics by date, user, or page, respectively.
  • Selecting Since site creation, Last 365 days, Last 30 days, or Last 7 days will filter statistics accordingly.
  • Selecting the chart image will produce a maximized version of the image.
  • Selecting View complete report will display the full data for the current displayed statistics.