Loyola Support Documentation

How do I add LaTeX language to my course site?

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Sakai can display LaTeX equations as mathematical notation in the Rich Text Editor. Using LaTeX options, instructors and students can simply write LaTeX in an enabled tool and the resulting equation will be displayed beautifully.

Select Site Info.

select Site Info

In the target Sakai site, select Site Info from the Tool Menu.

Select Manage Tools.

select Manage Tools

Select Manage Tools from the Actions Menu.

Enable MathJax.

check the checkbox to enable mathjax

In the Selected Tools column, check the checkbox to Enable MathJax for automatic rendering of LaTex and AsciiMath in this site.

Select Continue.

select Continue

Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Continue.

Select Finish.

select Finish

Select Finish to confirm the change.

Enter LaTeX equation in the rich text editor.

enter the equation with $$ at each end

In a tool that supports LaTeX (e.g., Conversations), insert "$$" before and after a mathematical equation to set it apart from the rest of the text. Math equations are editable in the edit screen of the tool, but will display as an equation in preview and student view.

Equation displays with LaTeX.

equation displays

After saving/posting the content, the equation will display with LaTeX-enabled formatting.