Instructors may want to copy content such as Lessons pages, Resources, Announcements, and Assignments from an older site into a new site. The Import from Site tab in Site Info allows instructors to select content from one or more tools from an older site and copy the content into the new site.
Navigate to a new, empty site where the content will be copied.
Be careful to select the empty course shell that will be the destination for the copied.
Warning: Do not want overwrite an existing course with a blank site, as this will delete the content. This process cannot be reversed!
Select Site Info.
In the destination site, select Site Info from the Tool Menu.
Choose to replace or merge data.
Selecting the I would like to delete and replace the data on this site option will transfer the site content, as well as Gradebook settings. Note that choosing this option can be a destructive process, since existing content in the new course may be overwritten and replaced with the copied content.
Tip: If there is existing content that should not be overwritten, choose the I would like to merge my data link instead.
Select the site(s) to copy from.
From the list of sites, check the checkbox for one or more sites to copy content from.
Select Continue.
Select the Continue button.
Choose the material you would like to copy.
- Use the checkbox at the top of the right column to select content from all tools.
- Alternatively, check the checkboxes to the right of each tool to select specific tools to be copied.
If a tool is not active in the current site, the tool will have a + mark to indicate that it will be added to the current site if selected for import.
Note: For each tool selected, all of the content for that tool will be copied into the new course.
Tip: If electing to copy Lessons content that includes links to Resources items, be sure to also check the checkbox to copy Resources content. Otherwise, the links to these items will break in the target course.
Select Finish.
Select Finish to complete the import. Instructors will receive an email confirmation when the import is complete.
Note: The content import process may take a while depending on how much content the origin site has, or if there is a queue for course imports on the server. Please wait for the process to finish.