Loyola Support Documentation

How do I edit the site information?

Updated on

Note: Some site information cannot be changed in course sites (i.e., sites generated from LOCUS). All of the actions described below are optional changes that may be made to a site via Site Info.

Select Site Info.

Select Site Info

In the target Sakai site, select the Site Info tool from the Tool Menu.

Select Edit Site Information.

Select Edit Site Information

Select Edit Site Information from the Actions Menu.

Site Title and Term display.

term and title display

The Site Title and Term will display.

Select site language.

choose a site language

If desired, the default language for the site may be selected from any of the available languages listed. Choose a language from the Site Language dropdown menu.

Enter a site description.

enter a description

The information entered into the description area will appear on the site's home page. Use the Rich Text Editor here to enter a description.

Enter a short description.

enter a short description

Enter a short description (with a maximum of 80 characters). This short description will display in the publicly viewable list of sites.

Set a site Icon.

enter a url for an icon

Provide a URL link for a custom site icon if desired.

Enter the site contact information.

enter site contact info

Enter the Site Contact Name (1) and Site Contact Email (2) for the site contact. (This is typically the site creator, owner, or instructor.)

Select Continue.

select continue

Select Continue.

Select Finish.

select finish

Select Finish to save changes.