Loyola Support Documentation

How do I create a section?

Updated on

Instructors may create sections. Participants (e.g., students) cannot create or modify sections.

Select Section Info.

select Section Info

In the target Sakai site, select the Section Info tool from the Tool Menu.

Select Add Sections.

seelct Add Sections

Select Add Sections from the Actions Menu.

Select the number of sections and assign a category.

designate how many sections and what type

Use the dropdown menus to:

  1. Select the number of sections to create (e.g., 2).
  2. Choose a category for the sections:
  • Lecture
  • Lab
  • Discussion
  • Recitation
  • Studio
  • Section

Note: The name of a category is the only thing that differentiates it from other categories. For instance, a Lab section will function exactly as a Discussion section in the Section Info tool.

Enter the section information.

enter section details
  1. Name: In the Name field, give each section a name. By default, each section will be named with the category plus a number (e.g., Lab1, Lab2, Lab3).
  2. Section Size: Choose a either Unlimited number of students in section or Limit number of students in section to. For the second choice, enter the maximum number of members allowed in the section.
  3. Meeting Details: Select which day(s) of the week this section meets.
  4. Start/End Time: Enter the time the section meets. Enter the time in hours and, if necessary, minutes (e.g., 9 or 10:45). Select AM or PM to indicate time of day.
  5. Location: Enter a short location identifier for where the section meets, up to 20 characters maximum.

If adding more than one section at a time, repeat the process above for the other sections.

Note: All of these fields are optional, with the exception of Name.

Select Add Sections.

select Add Sections

After finishing entering section information, select Add Sections.