Loyola Support Documentation

How do I associate a rubric with an assessment (i.e., test or quiz)?

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Rubrics may be associated with individual questions on an assessment. A rubric can be added to any of the manually graded question types: File Upload, Short Answer/Essay, or Student Audio Response.

Select Tests & Quizzes.

Select Tests & Quizzes

Select Tests & Quizzes from the site Tool Menu.

Add or Edit a manually graded question type in an assessment.

The rubric options display

You will see the Grading Rubric options just below the point value information, once you have selected one of the instructor-graded question types.

Note: For more information about creating assessments, see How do I create an assessment in Tests and Quizzes?

Configure the rubric options.

Select use the following rubric and choose the rubric
  1. Select the Use the following rubric to grade this assignment radio button.
  2. Choose the desired rubric from the drop-down menu.
  3. (Optional) Preview the selected rubric.
  4. (Optional) Check the box for Adjust individual student scores to be able to change the number of points awarded for individual criteria ratings while grading student submissions on a per-student basis.
  5. (Optional) Check the box for Hide Rubric from student to keep the rubric hidden from view prior to submission.

Note: A rubric must exist in the site before it will display in the dropdown menu. Shared rubrics must first be copied to the site before they are available for selection.

Select Save.

selkect Save

Select Save when finished setting up the assessment question.

Rubric association displays.

rubric icon indicates association

Questions with rubrics attached display a rubric icon next to the points for the question.