Loyola Support Documentation

How do I associate a rubric with a forum topic?

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Note: In order to attach a rubric to a forum, first create a gradebook item and attach the rubric to that item. Then, you may select the gradebook item with rubric attached to associate with your forum or topic.

Select Discussions.

Select Discussions

Select Discussions from the site Tool Menu.

Select Topic Settings.

Select Topic Settings

Select Topic Settings to the right of the forum topic title.

In the Grading section, choose a Gradebook item.

Choose a Gradebook item

Use the Gradebook item dropdown menu to choose the Gradebook item to associate with this topic.

Note: A Gradebook item must exist prior to associating the forum topic with that gradebook item, and the gradebook item must already have the rubric attached. If there are no existing items, you will need to go to the Gradebook to create the item first.

Preview the rubric. (Optional)

Select Preview

Once you have selected a gradebook item with a rubric, you may select Preview Rubric to see what the selected rubric looks like.

Note: To select a different rubric, go to the Gradebook and modify the gradebook item to select a different rubric. To make changes to the rubric itself, go to the Rubrics tool and modify the rubric criteria and ratings.  

Select Save.

Select Save

Select Save when finished setting up the topic.

Rubric association displays.

associated rubric indicated by rubrics icon

Topics with rubrics attached will display a rubric icon next to the title of the topic.