Loyola Support Documentation

How do I add/edit a table in a text box?

Updated on

Expand the menu

Expand menu

Click on the arrow to expand the menu

Position the cursor.

Position the cursor

Position your cursor in the text box where you want the table to display.

Select the table icon.

Select the table icon

Select the Table icon from the Rich Text Editor toolbar. This displays the Table Properties dialog box.

Set table properties.

Set table properties

Set the number of rows and columns needed (required). Add additional table properties (optional).

Select OK.

Select OK

Select OK to insert the table.

The table displays.

Table display

The table will display in the text box.

Edit the table properties. (Optional)

To edit the table properties, right-click (or CTRL + click for Mac) on the table.

This displays the Edit Table dialog box. Select the table element that you want to edit.

Select Save.

Select Save to save changes.