Loyola Support Documentation

How do I move a file or folder within Resources in the same site?

Updated on

Select Resources.

Select Resources

Select the Resources tool from the Tool Menu of your site.

Select one or more items, and then select Move.

Check the items you'd like to move, then select Move
  1. Check the boxes to the left of the files or folders to be moved.
  2. Then, select Move.

Note: Alternately, to only move one item, select Move from the item Actions menu instead.

Select the clipboard icon (paste moved items here).

Select Paste to the right of the destination folder

To the right of the destination folder where the files or folders should be placed, select the Paste from clipboard icon.

View moved files in new location.

The files display in their new destination

This returns the display to the Resources page with the files or folders now moved to the destination folder.