Loyola Support Documentation

How do I add a web link or URL?

Updated on

Select Resources.

Select Resources

In the target Sakai site, select the Resources tool from the Tool Menu.

Select Actions, then choose Add Web Links

To the right of the Resources folder in which the web link should be added:

  1. Select Actions.
  2. From the dropdown menu, choose Add Web Links (URLs).

Enter web address.

Enter a title, the URL, choose to change notification settings, and select Add Web Links Now
  1. Give the web link a title in the Website Name field.
  2. Enter (or paste) the website address (URL) in the Web Address field. Enter the full address including https://.
  3. Optionally, use the dropdown menu to change the email notification settings for this link.
  4. Select Add Web Links Now.

Note: Select Add Another Web Link to add additional links. (Optional)

The link displays in Resources

This creates link(s) to the web site(s) in the selected Resources folder.