Loyola Support Documentation

How do students take a poll?

Updated on

By default, students can vote once per poll question. All student responses to poll questions are anonymous.

Select Polls.

Select Polls from your site's Tool Menu

In the target Sakai site, select the Polls tool from the Tool Menu..

Select a poll question to answer.

Select a poll question

Select the text of the poll question you want to answer.

Select your answer choice.

Select your answer choice

Select the radio button to the left of the answer choice you chose.

Select Vote!

Select Vote

Select the Vote! button.

Note: By default, students may only vote once per poll question.

View reference number.

A reference number displays

Polls are anonymous. After you vote in a poll, you will receive a reference number to confirm that you have voted in this poll.

Select Back.

Select Back to return to the Polls list

Select the Back button to return to the Polls list page.