Loyola Support Documentation

How do I add a new poll?

Updated on

Select Polls.

Select Polls from your site's Tool Menu

Select the Polls tool from the Tool Menu of your site.

Select Add a poll.

Select Add a poll

Select Add from the actions menu.

Compose your poll question.

Enter your question and any supplementary information
  1. Enter the poll question in the box marked Question.
  2. Add additional information in the Rich Text Editor if needed.

Specify the poll settings.

Specify poll settings
  1. Specify the opening and closing dates and times. You may enter the date in the text box, or you may use the calendar icon to the right to bring up a pop-up calendar for selecting your date and time.
  2. Indicate limits on the minimum and maximum number of answers selected.
  3. Choose when to make the results visible.

Select Save and add options.

Select Save and add options

Select the Save and add options button.

Add the first answer option.

Add the first answer option

Type the first answer option in the rich text editor.

Select Save and add options.

Select Save and add options

Select Save and add options to continue adding poll options.

Add the second answer option.

Add second option

Type the second answer option in the rich text editor.

Select Save or continue adding options.

Select Save or Save and add options

If this is the last poll option you would like to add, select Save. This will display the Edit a poll page with the poll options listed. To add additional poll options, select Save and add options.

Review poll options and select Save.

Review poll options and select Save

Select Save to save your poll.

Note: If you need to add another option, select the Add option link. If you need to edit or delete an option, select the Edit or Delete links to the right of the option text.