Most of the items that can be added to a Lessons page can be designated as required. That is, students must open (if the item is a resource) or complete (if the item is a forum posting, quiz, assignment, question, comment or student page). Further, the Lessons tool allows instructors to require students to complete one item in the list before allowing access to other items in the list.
Select Lessons.
In the target Sakai site, select Lessons from the Tool Menu.
Selet Edit for the item that will be required.
Hover and select the Edit (ie., pencil) icon.
Require item.
1. Under Prerequisites & Requirements, check the checkbox to "Require This item."
2. Then, select Update Item.
Item displays with asterisk.
Notice that required items are indicated with an asterisk to the left of the item.
To conditionally release based on prerequisites:
Set prerequisite.
- Check the checkbox "Don't Release Item Until All Prerequisites are Completed."
- Then, select Update Item.