Items added to a Lessons page can be removed using the Delete icon, the Edit option, or the Reorder option.
Select Lessons.
In the target Sakai site, select Lessons from the Tool Menu.
To delete an item using the Delete icon:
Hover to reveal editing tools for the content item. Select the Delete (i.e., trashcan) icon for the item to be deleted.
Confirm deletion.
Select Delete to confirm the deletion.
To delete an item using the Edit option:
To delete an item using the Reorder option:
Select Reorder.
Select Reorder from the Actions Menu. This displays the reorder list of items added to the Lessons page.
Select the trash icon located to the right of the item.
Select the trash icon. Selecting the trash icon removes the item from the Lessons page list of items.
Select Save.
Select Save. Saving returns the display to the Lessons page with the item removed.