Loyola Support Documentation

How do instructors view and print individual student grades?

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Go to Gradebook.

Go to Gradebook

In the target Sakai site, select the Gradebook tool from the Tool Menu.

Select the student's name.

Select the student's name

To view all grades for a single student, select the student's name.

The student's individual grade summary will appear.

The student's individual grade summary

The individual grade summary is the same information students see when they view their grades.

You may use the Next Student link (or the Previous Student link if applicable) to go immediately to the grade summary for the next (or previous) student in the list.

Student Review Mode

Student Review Mode

If you would like to discuss the individual grade summary with a student in person or over video conference, but you don't want the student to see other sensitive information in the Gradebook, select the Student Review Mode tab in the individual grade summary window. This option blurs the background so that other students' information is not visible to the student viewing the screen.

Printing Individual Student Grades

Printing Individual Student grades

Select the Print button in the individual grade summary screen to print an individual student's grades.