Loyola Support Documentation

How do I add items to the Calendar?

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The Calendar tool allows instructors (and site maintainers) to post items to the class calendar. You may use the Calendar tool to post reminders about class activities and due dates.

Select Calendar.

Select Calendar from the Tool Menu

In the target Sakai site, select Calendar from the Tool Menu.

Select Add Event.

Select Add Event

Select Add Event to create a new event.

Note: multiple day (overnight) events cannot be added as a single event; they need to be added as an all day event with a frequency of daily.

Add event content.

Enter event information

A Title, Date, and Start Time to are required create an event. All other fields are optional.

  1. The Title will be displayed on the calendar, so it is best to make it something short and informative.
  2. The Date is the day that the event takes place. Use the calendar picker to select a date.
  3. The Start Time is the time of day when the event begins.
  4. The Duration is how long the event will last. Selecting an amount of time from the Duration dropdown menu will automatically update the End Time accordingly.
  5. The End Time is when the event is expected to end. Selecting a time of day from the End Time dropdown menu will automatically update the Duration accordingly.
  6. Provide additional event details in the Message field. The Rich Text Editor is available in the Message field.

Configure display options.

Select a button to display the event to the site or to groups

Elect to display the event to the whole site, or to selected groups. Display to site is the default.

Note:  The course must have existing groups for the "display to selected groups" option to appear.  

Display to selected groups.

Choose which groups should see the event

To post events that are only visible to specific groups, select the Display to selected groups option. The menu will expand to show a list of existing groups; select one or several groups from this list.

Select frequency. (Optional)

Select frequency

Select the Frequency button to add a recurring event.

Select event frequency.

Choose a frequency

Select the frequency option from the dropdown menu that best describes the event.

Specify interval and end date.

Specify the interval and end date
  1. Select the appropriate event interval from the Every dropdown menu.
  2. Specify when the frequency Ends (Optional). Elect for it to end after a certain number of times, until a specific date, or never. For example, when posting office hours to repeat on the same day and time each week until the end of the term, select the last day of the term as the end date.
  3. Select Save.

Specify event type.

Choose an event type

Select the Event Type dropdown menu to view all available event types and choose a type for this event. The default event type is Activity.  

Add event location. (Optional)

Enter a location

If the event is happening in a specific location,  enter the Event Location here.

Add attachments. (Optional)

Select Add Attachments

Select Add Attachments to browse for and select a file to attach to the Calendar event.

Select Save Event.

Select Save Event

Select Save Event to post the event to the Calendar.