Loyola Support Documentation

How do I allow a resubmission on an assignment for a specific student or groups of students?

Updated on

Select Assignments.

Select Assignments

Select the Assignments tool from the site Tool Menu.

Select Grade.

Select Grade

Select the Grade link for the assignment for which you would like to allow a resubmission.

Select Set Resubmission Options.

Expand Set Resubmissions Options

Select the dropdown arrow for "Set Resubmission Options for Multiple Students" to expand the resubmission options.

Select user(s), number of resubmission, and update Accept Until Date.

Check the box next to the student, set the number of resubmissions and the accept until date, and select update
  1. Check the box next to each student that you are allowing a resubmission.
  2. Use the dropdown menu to indicate how many resubmissions are allowed and update the "Accept Until" date.
  3. Select Update.