Loyola Support Documentation

How do I submit an assignment on behalf of a student?

Updated on

Select Assignments.

Select Assignments

In the target Sakai site, select Assignments from the Tool Menu.

Select Assignments by Student.

Select Assignments by student and select a name
  1. Select Assignments by Student from the Actions Menu.
  2. A list of all the members in the class will be displayed. Select a student's name to expand submission information for that student.

Select Submit on behalf of Student.

Select submit on behalf of student

Select the "Submit on behalf of Student" link beneath the assignment title.

Tip: Assignments may only be submitted on behalf of a student if the due date has not passed.

Submit the student assignment.

Enter in-line text or attach a file and select Proceed
  1. Enter an inline submission (if applicable).
  2. Select a file to attach (if applicable).
  3. Select Proceed to submit the student assignment.

Submission confirmation displays.

Submission confirmation displays

A submission confirmation message will display.

Submission appears.

Submission appears in Assignments by Student list

The submission timestamp will appear in the Assignments by Student list.