Loyola Support Documentation

How do students submit an assignment?

Updated on

Select Assignments.

select Assignments

In the target Sakai site, select Assignments from the Tool Menu.

Select the title of the assignment.

select the assignment title

All assignments in the site will appear in a list on the tool landing page. The following information is displayed for each assignment:

  1. Assignment Title, or name of the assignment
  2. Status (i.e., Not Started, Submitted, Returned, etc.)
  3. Open Date, or when the assignment becomes available to students
  4. Due Date, or deadline to turn in the assignment

Select the assignment to submit to by selecting the title of the assignment in the list.

Accept the Honor Pledge.

select Agree

If the assignment requires an Honor Pledge, select Agree.

Enter and/or attach a submission.

Type into the Assignment text field or attach a file

Depending on the assignment settings, students may be allowed to enter a submission in-line and/or attach files.

  1. Enter submission text into the Assignment Text field using the Rich Text Editor.
  2. Under Attachments, select the Choose File button to browse for and select a file to upload. (Alternately, select the or select files from 'Home' or site button to select a file already uploaded to Home Resources.)

After attaching a file, the name of the file as well as the file size and upload timestamp will be displayed under Attachments.

Tip: Select Remove to remove the attachment if the wrong file was attached.

Select Proceed.

select Proceed

Select Proceed to continue the submission process.

Tip: If students are not yet ready to submit, they may select Preview to preview the submission, or Save Draft to save the submission and submit it later. Select Cancel to exit the assignment without saving or submitting.

Select Submit.

select Submit

Select Submit to complete the assignment submission process.

Submission confirmation displays.

confirmation message siplays

A confirmation message will appear. In addition, if students have opted to receive email notifications of assignment submissions, they will receive the confirmation message via email.