Loyola Support Documentation

How do students view announcements?

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Announcements are displayed in several locations. Students may view them from Home, from an individual course or project site, or from the Announcements tool.

Viewing announcements in Home.

Select the announcement subject.

Select announcement subject

Upon logging into Sakai, students will see Recent Announcements displayed in the Announcements widget of Home. Recent Announcements in this location will show all announcements from all sites in which a student is enrolled.

View announcement details.

Message displays

Selecting the subject of an announcement will display the message within the Announcements widget.

Viewing announcements within a course or project site.

Select the announcement subject.

Select subject

When a student enters a given course or project site, the Recent Announcements for that site only will display on the site Overview page within the Announcements widget. Select the announcement subject to view the announcement.

View announcement details.

Message displays

Selecting the subject of an announcement will display the message within the Announcements widget.

Viewing announcements via the Announcements tool.

Select Announcements.

Select Announcements

Announcements may also be viewed by selecting the Announcements tool in the Tool Menu from Home, or from within an individual course or project site.

Select the announcement subject.

Select subject

Select the announcement subject.

View announcement details.

Message displays

Selecting the subject of an announcement will display the message within the Announcements tool.